Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bodies of Water

These guys get a wrap for sounding a lot like Arcade Fire. They are male/female vocals with some chanty aspects in their songs. Im pretty tired and don't feel like saying anything more. This album is older but its one that shouldn't be missed.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yowza, another band to get super excited about. These guys opened for The Dirty Projectors unbeknown to them before that night and after that show they are now going to tour with them. Fun upbeat songs that almost remind me a little bit of Vampire Weekend. These guys & gal have got it. YOU KNOW IT! SO GET IT!

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Antlers

A group that strays from the formula a bit. The lead singer has a unique voice that I enjoy but I could see how it isn't for everyone. Some of these songs in here really hit home. I nearly forgot of them if it wasn't for my brother playing them today in the car. I hope you enjoy em.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Okkervil River

Indie pop at its best. I love the imagery in the songs. It seems I might have some difficulties keeping this blog updated as I'm moving to Shanghai for a year come August. I'll try to throw on some more music next week when I have more free time.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The 1900's

A pleasant indie band. Last post for a month probably while I'm to Shanghai. They've been around in my archive for a quite some time. I haven't given them too much of a thought but they are relaxingly pleasant.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Local Natives

If you haven't already heard the Local Natives are restless. They are up in arms with pitchforks and baking soda. Apparently they stopped by last week and you weren't home. Unfortunately for you they left a baby on your doorstep without instructions. So bring out your forks a dinner party is awaiting your cupcakes.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010


Another must have folk/beatlesque album. It goes from lovey dovey to hop around good times to nerdy fun. You'll notice they pull a lot from a bunch of older bands and make it their own blend of yay times. Luckily no one is paying me to write these blurbs because I think I might already have been fired. P.S. their store page is under construction. If you do enjoy, which you will , buy it on itunes or some shit yo.

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